Critical Introduction

This blog is written by first year undergraduates in the Scholars Program at the University of Maryland College Park. The purpose of our blog is to investigate and compare and contrast the different subculture gatherings of the 1960s and the contemporary era. We compared the power and exigence of each movement but contrasted the principles, method of communication, and targeted audience of each subculture gathering. We chose two distinct texts. Our first text includes a poster advertising of the “Gathering of the Tribes for a Human Be-In” movement in San Francisco, CA. Our second text consists of an Amnesty International poster advocating for human rights through the advertisement of the Bringing Human Rights Home concert at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY. We first analyzed the audience of each text, finding similarities and differences between both, as well as the rhetorical situation/exigence that each text brought to the table. Furthermore, we explored the ethos and pathos present in each text, finding the authority/credibility and the specific emotions each text expressed through its poster. Finally, we explained the logos, mood, and imagery within each text. Through analysis and discussion with our English 101S class, we concluded that as time proceeded, subcultures of America lost the drive for a targeted audience (focused on the individual) and began to rely on reaching out to the general public in ambiguity. Expanding the audience allows for a more diverse group to take notice of subculture advertisements thus creating a larger fan base.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Audience of the Amnesty International Poster

The Amnesty International Movement spreads its message and hope through its actions and concerts. One concert in particular, the Amnesty concert in New York, happens every year with support from various famous artists such as Imagine Dragons and The Fray. The groups who perform at the concert all fight for the cause of the organization: justice for those violated of their human rights. They even have Madonna introducing the event to those who chose to attend. The audience, comprised of 3 million supporters of human rights, come together for this concert to give hope and strength to those violated and bring in new people. Current supporters are not the only audiences of this movement and concert, in fact, the goal of the organization and gathering aims to bring in new supporters and spread awareness of the problems we still see today. Their mission includes bringing to light the problems we have with human rights today, making sure everyone - no matter what race, gender identity, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation - has the same human rights as the next person next to them. The New York concert is a great way to get current and new supports to come together and have their voices heard.

-Antonio Borckardt


  1. I like how you addressed that the audience of the concert is twofold - they are attempting to both rally existing supporters and generate new ones. It is important to note, though, that Amnesty International is likely reaching out primarily to an audience that is generally liberal. Some of their platform, such as abortion rights and access to birth control, are opposed by more conservative people.

  2. As Emily mentioned, Appealing to both old and new supporters is an important aspect of this advertisement. I would maybe mention what characteristics you thought the audience of potential new supporters would have, and if they would agree with the poster's message.
